Welcome to the official website of ELMAUS CО

I hope you will find here useful information about our company and possibilities.

I would be glad if you choose us, in order to work together.

Petar Petrov

За фирмата

Elmaus Cо., Ltd. was founded on

Petar Petrov


As a whole, the shipbuilding is a profitable branch. We are convinced…

About Us

Elmaus Cо., Ltd. was founded on

 10 November 2003. The newly founded company is a successor of the business of the previous Elmaus – Petar Petrov Sole Trader, entered into the Register of Sole Traders and Collective Companies on 25 June 1991.


Petar Marinov Petrov – Manager

Pavel Petrov Petrov – Assistant Manager


As a whole, the shipbuilding is a profitable branch. We are convinced that when the coast of Finland , Norway and Sweden (the shipbuilding yard of Europe over the centuries) is concerned, the profitability is never low. Naturally, this is because the quality is a tradition and cult there. This is also a priority of ours.

In parallel with this, we perform orders of different Bulgarian and foreign companies in the field of machine building , shipbuilding and ship repair.

The technology and methods, used by us, allow 100% of our production, regardless of its seriation, to be manufactured on CNC-lathes and lathe centres, which ensures stable and guaranteed quality at competitive prices.